Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Beautiful Scarf

One day as I was walking the aisles of Jo-Ann fabrics, I noticed there was yarn on sale for half-off the clearance price. As any good crocheter knows, if yarn is on sale, you buy it! When I bought the yarn, I did not really have anything in mind for it. So when I got home I fired up my computer and fervently searched the web in order to find the perfect pattern for this beautiful yarn. This is what I found:

Even though it has been in the 100's for a few weeks here in Indiana, I still decided to make this scarf. It is gorgeous, with beautiful colors and it looks very intricate without the pattern being difficult to understand. Here is another picture that is closer up to better see the detail:

In case you are wondering, the yarn that I used was Patons Decor in Mountain Top Varg. I used about 1 1/4 skeins, and plan on using the remaining yarn for some finger-less gloves. 

If you are interested in this pattern, here is the link:

I hope that you enjoyed it as much as I did!

Until Next Time,

Jordan Leigh <3

Monday, July 16, 2012

Crocheted Creations

Here are some of my crocheted creations. I have mainly followed patterns, so I am going to add links so you can find the pattern if you wish! I apologize for the bad photo quality; most of the pictures have been taken with my cell phone. I also am working on quite a few projects at the moment, so I hope that I can get those uploaded soon! Please feel free to leave comments.

This is probably my favorite project that I have made so far! It was made for a birthday present. His name is Cthulhu, and he is the "Destroyer of Worlds." This blog has some other really great ideas that I can't wait to try out as well!
The back of Cthulhu
My first amigurumi project!
A blanket made for my nephew! It is toddler sized as he is 2 years old.  Made with traditional granny squares.

Cute little owl hat.

This was my first project ever. It was simply a single-crochet scarf, but it helped me to learn the basics of how to put a piece of work together. Plus, I just love the colors =)

This was the first ever project that I made watching a video from You Tube.  My mom loves butterflies,  so I made it for her. To all you newbies, I highly suggest watching videos from YouTube because they really helped me a lot!

I love flowers, so I was very excited to find this tutorial. I know that this is a bit sloppy, but I was just starting out at the time I was making it. Also, the person who does this tutorial is great because she also has left-handed tutorials for people like me!

I made this for Valentine's Day and I just love it!

My first ever hat. It was made for a baby 6-12 months for my friend's photography studio!

Until Next Time, 

Jordan Leigh <3

The Vision...

In October of 2011 I learned to crochet. Not being a very craft-oriented person, I surprised myself at how well I was catching on. Also, being left-handed is somewhat of a predicament in a mainly right-handed world when learning a craft such as this. However, I kept on truckin' and by watching many, many YouTube videos  I finally taught myself how to read patterns, how to do all of the basic stitches, and how to do some more complex stitches. I have learned that crochet is the craft that I am meant do, and I love seeing the look on people's faces when they receive a hand-made gift.

Now, in July of 2012, I am off to start another journey. I want to open my own successful Etsy shop and hopefully start a market in my hometown for my creations. Currently, I am reading Etsy 101: Sell Your Crafts on Etsy, the DIY Marketplace for Handmade, Vintage, and Crafting Supplies by Steve Weber and also Pin it to Profit by Mike DeWolfe, Dave Robinson, and Cheryl DeWolfe  in order to help me better understand marketing my products online. My vision for this blog is to help all people new to Etsy and the crafting world create a new business. This blog will document all of my trials and tribulations and hopefully provide advice to other newbies like myself. My goal is to have my Etsy site up and running by December 2012. 

I also want this blog to feature my work, so pictures will be going up soon. Currently, I do not have any patterns of my own, so I will give credit where credit is due. I have not yet sold any of my work, I have mainly made gifts for my family and friends.

I look forward to keeping you updated on the progress of my journey, and if anyone has any suggestions or constructive feedback on anything featured in my blog, please feel free to comment!

Until next time, 

Jordan Leigh <3

Links to the books I mentioned on Amazon:

Etsy 101: Sell Your Crafts on Etsy, the DIY Marketplace for Handmade, Vintage, and Crafting Supplies

Pin it to Profit